Record done! Scripts & Swim Buddies

RECORD DONE. Last week I scripted out the release process, above, so I can get it all to you before September 15th.

I find these types of scripts super helpful/totally terrifying. So thank goodness I remembered a few weeks ago month how essential it is for me to have a swim buddy on giant projects, to prevent me from lapsing into a freeze/tizzy of busy when I look at all my uncolored bubbles. Thank you, Molly Madden!

And, the buddy system helps me have a whole lot more kindness when my original timelines go out the window and my brain freaks out - why is this taking so long?! And I can more kindly take a look: Oh, right, I've never done this before (ISRC codes?! huh?). Ah, ok, that was the month when my mental health unravelled and I was at half mast. Or, hmm, that was the time where the incredible fiddle parts from my friend John Mailander in Nashville seemed like a weird avant-garde track against my song. And it took three weeks to realize he had recorded it to a version of my song with an accidental 20 seconds of silence at the start. (Whoops. One big nudge, another round of mixing and, voila, as usual, his playing knocked my socks off.)

So I'm still on the road, and I'm so grateful you've been here with me all along.